Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Best Times To Have Sex

Want to have best time to enjoy Sex  as a woman here are some tips for you

1. Want An Amazing Orgasm
This may sound ridiculous, but the day you're  most likely to experience a mind-bending orgasm is actually, the day before you get your period. When blood accumulation makes your uterus heavy, contractions are more perceptible during orgasm, and your labial and clitoral tissue tends to be more sensitive when you retain fluids. Convince youself to give sex a shot, even if you're feeling grouchy and uncomfortable, because it may cheer you right up.

2. Want Sex To Last Longer
The Top time is between Christmas and New Year's Day when you and your husband are likely out of the office. When you have no work pressure and  of are spending many hours with your mate, It's easier to have luxurious unhurried sex that lasts and lasts. Flirt with your husband in the morning by whispering in his ear, and then make lots eye contact with him during meals.

3. Want To Drive Your Guy Wild
Men often wake up with erections. So instead of making him wait all days, set your alarm for 20 minutes earlier on a work day and have a quickie first thing in the morning. As women age, they tend to get more tired at night, so evening sex is less desirable. In other words, you have more energy for a crack-of-dawn romp than a late night one.

4. Want To Relieve Pain
If you can get past ick factor, making love while you're on your period can actually reduce uncomfortable cramps. If you can expect sex when Aunt Flo shows, you just may look forward to your time of month.

5. You Want To Have a Crazy, No-holds Barred Sex
Plan unforgettable evening during a steamy time of year, like July or August in most parts of the country because you'll have more opportunities to  get it on discreetly outside.

6. You Are Too busy
Schedule a weekend date night when you don't have work commitment and are less exhausted. You don't even have to leave your house! Put on some mellow music, order in and take a breather together from the hectic week to enjoy each others company.  Ask a friend or relatives to help take the kids out. The more romantic and relaxed the environment, the more you set the stage for amazing sex. Focus on quality over quantity.

7. You Want To Get Out of a Sexual Rut
The longer you've been with your partner, the harder it is to be creative in the bedroom. The missionary style every Saturday night can get a little boring. To mix things up set an alarm for 3 A.M and straddle your spouse in the middle of the night. Am sure you wouldn't get a shout for waking him up in the middle of the night.


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